Sunday 30 March 2014

So much more

We were meant to live for so much more
Yes that is from a song… but it’s the line that resonates with me constantly. Because it’s not a condemning thought, not really… it’s a hopeful, encouraging thought. I hate the idea of writing a condemning blog- because it would be so hypocritical… or it would seem so. I never want to write like I know more than the wise and the old that I know and love, and learn from. I am the dog that returns to his vomit- if you truly knew my life, you would know that I cannot ever speak with a condemning tone of voice. I am the greatest sinner- Paul was wrong. As soon as I could understand anything- I knew of gift of eternal life… as a kid I was really good. I was an awesome kid, and I remember that… but I made a conscious decision to see what it would be like to be a “bad kid”. Pearls to swine, dog to his vomit- this is me. I am truly disgusting, I am a testament to His great mercy- but even then I find myself being proud of the faith he has given me… I am a mess… I am not condemning...
However since I came to India, even before India, I’ve seen that the Church that I have seen, the believers I have met, my own life… there is a huge problem. It seems to me like in India the devil is working very hard to possess, and attack… in America it’s almost as if he has won. He has atheists, he has so many denominations and religions… he has such a strong foothold… and I think the most terrible thing that he has, is a position within our church.
I am convinced, that many people who profess to be Christians, are not saved. I believe that there is a comfortable nook in our churches for people to be Christians by title- by study, by intention…. and not action.  Of course we are not saved by our actions- of course, of course. We are saved by Grace… But I think we have misinterpreted right from the very beginning what it means to be a Christian. The sinner’s prayer- I think is a lie. I don’t think that if you say a sentence that, like saying a spell, it will guarantee you eternal life with our Father. Becoming a Christian is repentance and a new life… not merely saying a sentence. I think there’s a very comfortable Christianity that is just living the American dream with a different title…. I think that to be a Christian, doesn’t mean that you say you’re a Christian- but that you live as a Christian.
I am saying “I think” because I’m being candid… I don’t want to make a statement, but I would love to provoke thought. I often get emails from people who disagree with me…. I won’t answer anyone who disagrees with this post- because I’m not saying it as a statement, I’m saying it as something that is burdening my heart… something said to friends that is very vulnerable and heartfelt- and meant to be received with the grace of someone talking to a friend.
But when I read about the Church in the bible, when I read through Mathew- I see a picture for a very different Church… I see fishermen who left everything and everyone to follow Jesus- who gave him their whole lives. Have I given God my whole life? Am I completely sold out to him… what does this mean for me? I think our Churches are very well known for what we believe… on Sunday  we gather more knowledge as we meet as a Church… maybe we fellowship with coffee after- but is this all that God has for his Church? I think the American church has more accurate bible knowledge than anywhere else in the world… we have the preachers who read the greek… blah blah and so on… but what good is our great knowledge if we don’t use it? It’s like having the best tool for the ministry, but keeping it in the toolbox un-used.  I think we as a church are trapped into a religious, comfortable box of “this is how we do it” and “this is how we’ve always done it” but when I think of the Morovians who sold themselves into slavery to minister to the slaves… I can’t help but think, we were meant to live for so much more. I am praying for a radical revival in the Church- a revival based on the bible and not on any Christian writer or anything like that…
Do you think the Church is aware, awake and totally sold out for Christ?

Again… please receive this as thought provoking only, and not as a condemnation or a statement…. 

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