Thursday 20 March 2014

Hello from Gudivada!

A month ago we prayed that God would someday allow us to take a documentary video of Grace Orphan Home. Weeks after that, a man started emailing me, he had seen a post on turns out he's a film student, and its been placed on his heart to come and shoot a documentary for us. Now it normally takes at the very least 5 days for a Visa to come in- as it must be mailed to the consulate, and then mailed back.... through God's grace and prayer alone it came back within 24 hours. and through God's grace and prayer alone- he will arrive in India at 3 am tomorrow morning- please pray that he will have great health and great energy, as well as a great mind for filming.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for making him feel so does a mother's heart good. I am praying for health and God's guidance for you for energy...he has brought that with him I am sure. Get ready for the whirlwind that is Michael
